
About the Design Lab

The Design Lab is Stephanie’s design and research initiative that operates independently or as an umbrella for collaboration. Those working with her gain a unique and advantageous perspective based on insights derived from a adept human-centered design research practice. She has experience delivering insights for a range of clients including, corporate, consumer electronics, food and beverage, exhibit, and academia.

A few of the organizations with whom she has worked to uncover new ideas and opportunities include:
Nokia, PepsiCo, Fjord, Vitamins Design, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Science Museum London, and The Ludic Group.

Diversity of experience is important in what she does and lends itself to innovative ideas and solutions for clients.

Stephanie Chen, Founder & Director

A former rocket scientist turned design researcher, Stephanie’s background and experience in both engineering and design enable her to approach a project with a point of view that is inherently systems-based but also whimsical and creatively-focused. Teaching the fundamentals of design-thinking is one of her passions; she continues to pursue it through leading workshops in human-centered design research for teenagers, universities, small businesses, and corporations internationally.

Before founding the Design Lab, Stephanie investigated the intersection of communication and technology for an ageing population, whilst working as a Research Associate for Nokia at the Royal College of Art’s Helen Hamlyn Centre. In London, she also worked for The Ludic Group, helping large corporations introduce design-thinking into their processes and work environments. She founded the Design Lab upon returning to the States in 2010.

A wise writing teacher once told her ‘Develop the habit of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, hearing things that are often missed or are taken for granted. Learn to see the world through a mind and heart that focus on ordinary things but perceive them in extraordinary ways’ — something that still drives her research process today.

She believes the most inspiring part of design is its ability to improve lives, address social issues and create positive change through empowerment, and keeps this focus in mind with every project she works on.


hello | bonjour | sveiki | 你好

stephanie [at] chendesignlab [dot] com