DOTT 07 (Design of the Times)

Turning turbines into sustainable tourism.

A project dubbed ‘Perpetua’ explored the concept of using the physical form and internal mechanism of the wind turbine to create a visual spectacle as well as usable space. The project was initiated as part of the Design Of The Times (DOTT) 2007 Design Camp, focused on creating sustainable tourism using the landscape and heritage of Northumbria.

A large ‘skirt’ of material attached near the base of the turbine would be lifted by the spinning motion translated from the rotation of the turbine, thus creating a beautiful and dynamic covered space under which to meet, hold events, or simply watch the world go by.

Six team members were given ten days to research and design. Team Perpetua made site visits, met with local energy companies, and brainstormed various concepts of making large land areas with turbines more tourist-friendly.

Three teams individually addressed renewable energy, industrial heritage, and urban camping during the 10-day workshop. More information on Perpetua can be found in the final presentation and the DOTT 07 Blog.